Obituary of Francis Xavier Leyden, Jr.
Francis X Leyden Jr. (Frank), 63, a resident of Fairview, passed suddenly on October 21, 2024. Born in Jersey City’s Christ Hospital, he is graduate of Bergen County Technical High School in Hackensack. Frank specialized in automotive repair and CAD drawing.
A diehard Giants and Yankees fan, he enjoyed music, playing several instruments including drums and guitar. Frank was a passionate woodworker, making his own indoor and outdoor furniture for friends and family.
Frank is survived by his mother Barbara (nee Lair), his brothers Michael and wife Elizabeth, and Joseph and wife Lorraine, as well as many cousins, nieces, and nephews. He is predeceased by his father Francis Sr., and his wife Marion (nee Valentine).
Visitation and burial services will be held on Tuesday October 29, 2024 - visitation from 9-10 AM at McCorry Brothers Funeral Home, 780 Anderson Ave., Cliffside Park, NJ. Funeral Mass at Our Lady of Grace RC Church, 395 Delano Place, Fairview NJ at 10:30 AM. Burial will be held at 11:30 AM at Fairview Cemetery, 500 Fairview Avenue, Fairview, NJ.
In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate donations to NJ Sharing Network - https://www.njsharingnetwork.org/ as well as New Jersey Humane Society - https://www.newjerseyhumanesociety.org/. (Links to the left)
To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Francis Leyden, Jr., please visit our Tree StoreVisitation

In Loving Memory
Francis Leyden, Jr.
1961 - 2024

about us
McCorry Brothers Funeral Home is a family owned and operated funeral home known for our relaxed and accommodating atmosphere. We are compassionate and caring and can assist in every aspect of your families needs when the death of a loved one occurs.
780 Anderson Avenue
Cliffside Park, NJ 07010
Phone: 201-945-1220.
Paul W. McCorry, Manager - N.J. Lic.#4337
Vincent P. Conforti, Director - N.J. Lic. #5055